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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

AF Guidance on Religion in Light of Repeal of DADT

Excerpt from the critical analysis position paper that I wrote:
  1. In this paper, I plan to introduce key events which have shaped the current climate surrounding religion and religious expression in the US military.  I will also analyze the tools and guidance currently available to Air Force commanders and leaders in dealing with religious needs and grievances of Airmen.  The primary concern I will address is that mandatory military ceremonies and events are usually accompanied by an invocation or a benediction serving the Christian majority but trampling the rights of followers of minority religions, atheists and those of non-tradition sexual orientations.  I will illustrate how the recent congressional decision, to repeal the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy has exacerbated a very specific but unacceptable incompatibility with current guidelines concerning public prayer at official functions.  Finally, I will propose how an alteration to the above mentioned guidelines might mitigate the issue and suggest implementation at the appropriate decision level.  
Click here for full paper: