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Thursday, September 29, 2011

A-typical Wednesday in Tampa

Yesterday was the first day working in the new building.  My feigned excitement is overflowing.  Afterall we have new state of the art cubicles and computer systems... After work I picked up a DVD that I had a guy make from Uncle Bradley's home video VHS tape.  Cost me $30!!  Then decided to head to Ybor City for a drink and to watch the Rays play the Yankees.  I ended up visiting Christian at Carmine's for a drink before heading home.  I had one more beer at the monthly music thing they do in Hyde Park.  Andy McMillon can play a mean [enter wind instrument here].  Then I went to my room and watched the Rays make an amazing comeback and make the playoffs after midnight!  Not a bad day in the name of spontaneity!  Tomorrow evening is Bikram Yoga!